segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

San Diego, 1947

Scenes of surfing in San Diego at Sunset Cliffs, in about 1947 or so, at the break called "Ab". Redwood and balsa extreme "Long Boards" of the time can be seen. These big boards were called "Planks" then. Smaller boards, which hadn't been invented yet, were later called "chips". Originally a 16mm color film made by George Kettenburg Jr. , founder of Pt. Loma's Kettenburg Boat Works. The surfers in this movie were part of a group that surfed Sunset Cliffs in the late 1940s and early 1950s that were written about in the book "The Beachboys" by William Ward Martin. Some of these surfers
included Rod Luscomb, James "Mouse" Robb, Don Mellon, Hal Crupens, Mike Considine, Sonny "Maggots" Maggiora, Lance Morton, John Isbell, Buddy Lewis,
Bob Woodall, Bruce Westphal, Alex "Bud" Caldwell, Joe Gann, Marsh Malcolm, Skeeter Malcolm, Ed "Blackie" Hoffman, William Ward Martin, Terry Martin, Dick Clark, Woody Ekstrom, Dick "Stormsurf" Taylor, Bob "Goldy" Goldsmith, Hadji Hein, Robbie Nelson, LLoyd Baker, "Little Jim" Richards, Bob "Birdlegs" Figer and Ralph Dawson. Ron St. John digitized the movie and added the great music. Even though this isn't Hawaii, somehow the music just fits.

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